Plateau Plateau Paris

Plateau Paris

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Paris for two

Plateau for two
prodotto quantità Etichetta  
Mazara red Prawn 2 pcs
Aristaeomorpha foliacea
Pescato reti da traino: Mediterraneo, FAO 37
Ingredients: gambero, solfiti
Gambero rosso
Argentinian tiger shrimps 4 pcs
Pleoticus muelleri
Pescato reti da traino: Atlantico sud, FAO 41
Ingredients: gambero, solfiti
Cooked Langoustine 2 pcs
Nephrops norvegicus
Pescato reti da traino: Oceano Atlantico, FAO 27
Ingredients: scampo, solfiti
Cooked shrimps 4 pcs

Pandalus Borealis

Allevato: Madacascar
Ingredients: gambero, sale, pepe
Cooked sea snails 200 g
Buccinum undatum
Pescato reti da traino: FAO 27.7 – Mare d'irlanda, Irlanda occidentale 
Ingredients: buccino, sale, pepe
Cooked scallops 2 pcs
Pecten maximus
Pescato draghe: Atlantico nord orientale, Fao 27
Ingredients: cappasanta, sale, pepe
American lobster half cutted o cooked crab 1 pcs
Homarus americanus
Pescato nasse e trappole: Atlantico Nord Occidentale - Fao 21
Ingredients: astice o granchio, sale, pepe
Oyster Trio 12 pcs
Crassostrea gigas
Allevata: Francia
Tris degustazione
Mazara tiger shrimps 2 pcs Penaeus kerathurus
Mar Mediterraneo, FAO 37.2.2
Pescato reti di traino
Cooked crab claws 2 pcs
Cancer pagurus
Oceano Atlantico, FAO 27
Nasse trappole
Chele granchio porro
Vineger and shallots dressing 20 ml Ingredients: Aceto di vino rosso, scalogno
Aioli Dressing 1 jar Ingredients: clicca qui Salsa aioli
Passion fruit 4 pcs    
Lemons 4 pcs    
Lemon wipes 4 pcs    
plateau parigi
Valore energetico
887KJ/ 212kcal
di cui acidi grassi saturi
Carboidrati 3,5g
di cui zuccheri 0,2g
Sale 1g
Product Label The indications on the products may vary due to changes made by the manufacturers that could temporarily cause variations between the information on the site and those reported on the products that are delivered. We therefore invite you to check the information on the label or packaging of the product before consuming or using it. For more information on the technical characteristics of the product, please contact our customer care
Accuracy of the indicated weight
The indicated weight may undergo a slight deviation due to the cut or type of product and the natural weight loss during transport
  These animals must be alive at the time of purchase
Express or Non Express   What does it mean?
Express or Non Express
What does it mean?
All the "EXPRESS" branded products that you find in the boutique, has to be ordered by 10.00 am, to be received the next day. To also receive products on reservation that do not have the "EXPRESS" tag, they must be ordered by Monday, you can receive them starting from Thursday.
Opening the oysters   it's simple!
Opening the oysters
it's simple!
Use the right tools you find in the accessories section. It is important not to use knives that have not been designed for this specific use eg. grit knife. Follow our directions by reading our instructions, the result is guaranteed!
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Stefano21 gennaio 2025
Tutto veramente buono, preparato e imballato alla perfezione. Grazie
MarcoEmme19 gennaio 2025
Ottima la qualità e la freschezza del prodotto, ostriche Gillardeau numero 0, una vera prelibatezza, come anche lo sono anche altri prodotti. I Love ostrica,una certezza!
Annalisa24 dicembre 2024
Ho fatto un ordine consistente per la prima volta: non solo ostriche! Servizio perfetto e puntuale, prodotti freschi e ottimamente puliti e conservati. Sono molto soddisfatta
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